Friday, August 7, 2015

Krugman: "It’s true that Trump isn’t making sense - but neither are the mainstream contenders"

Once again Paul Krugman speaks the truth about Republican nonsense on the economy.
Style, Substance, and The Donald
So now the conventional wisdom is that we’re witnessing a temporary triumph of style over substance; Republican voters like Trump’s bluster, and haven’t (yet) realized that he isn’t making sense.
But if you ask me, the people who are really mistaking style for substance are the pundits. It’s true that Trump isn’t making sense — but neither are the mainstream contenders for the GOP nomination.
On economics, both Jeb Bush and Scott Walker are into deep voodoo. Bush takes his experience of presiding over a giant housing bubble in his state, as proof that he can double America’s underlying growth rate. Walker is Brownback-light: his governorship on Wisconsin was premised on the proposition that tax cuts, spending cuts, and union-bashing can create an economic miracle, but the reality is budget deficits and subpar growth, lagging in particular the performance of neighboring Minnesota.
Is Trump any worse on economics than these guys?
When it comes to economics the Republican Party is a one trick pony. Tax Cuts (for the Rich) are a central part of all the Republicans' economic policy prescriptions. After all they are the Party of the 1% so tax cut snake oil is their beverage of choice.
GOP presidential candidates will all call for tax cuts. Here’s why it matters.
Republican candidates are still consulting with supply-side guru Arthur Laffer. Scott Walker met with a group of high-level supply-siders in New York, in a meeting that mostly made news for Rudy Giuliani’s questioning whether Barack Obama loved America. But there are other voices among Republican candidates. 
While Jeb Bush has sworn his supply-side bona fides, Grover Norquist seems annoyed that he hasn’t signed an anti-tax pledge. Marco Rubio has co-sponsored a tax plan that emphasizes a large child tax credit and cuts the corporate rate, but that proposal might increase rates for some upper-middle-class individuals. All of the Republican candidates will support cutting taxes. Perhaps the Club for Growth or some big donors will support the more supply-side-minded contenders, but the differences will be small.
keep in mind there has been no change in agenda or mindset they said they didn't need to change their "VALUES" now known as "PRINCIPLES" and most of all remember these things they still support are what brought us to our knees in 2008 and have done everything they can to keep us there so they could blame Pres. for a failing economy 

but the table was turned and he pulled us out with little to no help from them or Dems fact, but they are still calling this economy and him an abysmal failure depending on unskilled workers not yet employed to carry the water for that lie.  and they still keep dragging out Reagan's molded corpse as the best thing since fire.