It's really simple—do your job or find another job better suited to your belief system.
Yesterday a federal judge ordered Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis to resume issuing marriage licenses despite her religious objection to same-sex marriage. The judge was very clear:
Davis "likely has violated the constitutional rights of her constituents" by promoting her Christian beliefs "at the expense of others," Bunning wrote in his order.
"The state is not asking her to condone same-sex unions on moral or religious grounds, nor is it restricting her from engaging in a variety of religious activities," the judge wrote. "She is even free to believe that marriage is a union between one man and one woman, as many Americans do. However, her religious convictions cannot excuse her from performing the duties that she took an oath to perform as Rowan County clerk."
This morning, Kim Davis and her office are still refusing to do their jobs as the judge ordered:
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis' office turned away David Moore and David Ermold just hours after a U.S. district judge ordered her to do the opposite.
Deputy clerk Nathan Davis says the office was advised by its attorneys with the Christian law firm Liberty Counsel to continue refusing same-sex couples as it appeals the ruling to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Davis herself is reported to be in the midst of her fourth marriage, so she's a little selective with her marriage beliefs.
are we in the midst of that White privilege again it's the law they have been ordered does their lawyers advising them to break the law complicit with breaking the law????? if so all need to be hauled in and punished.
it's great all the new laws and tolerance but until like the cop murderers they start convicting and handing down incarcerations for those in violation this is going to be a long bumpy ride. republicans claim we are a country of laws accusing Pres. falsely because he's doing their jobs because they refuse to but how can they claim country of laws call Pres. lawless while they ignore and violate the law two faced forked tongue bald faced lying SOB's laws they pick and choose for you to obey and them to disobey.
note the law firm is a Christian law firm dictating civil disobedience no separation of church and state there just a dismissing of the state in favor of religious rule, and they keep on saying we are violating their freedom of religious rights when in fact their religious rights are violating others lawful constitutional rights. always blaming someone else for what they do,
they want your vote to get in the WH and continue their oligarchy of totalitarianism.
[toh-tal-i- tair-ee- uh-niz- uhm]
the practices and principles of a totalitarian regime.
absolute control by the state or a governing branch of a highly centralized institution.
the character or quality of an autocratic or authoritarian individual, group, or government: the totalitarianism of the father.
[ ol-i-gahr-kee]
a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.
a state or organization so ruled.
the persons or class so ruling.