Sunday, August 16, 2015

Israel sends shot across US bow, hinting it will resume assassinations of Iran's nuclear scientists

Veteran Israeli analyst, Nahum Barnea, has penned a piece entitled "On the edge of the abyss" which details how Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is desperate to do whatever must be done in order to kill passage of the Iran deal in Washington.
According to Barnea, this includes threatening the Obama administration, or more accurately, those members of Congress still weighing their decision on the Iran deal. The threat? That a passed nuclear agreement will result in one thing: a last-resort war launched by Israel to save itself. Here is Barnea:
Israel is willing to invest quite a lot in putting the military option back on the table. Defense Minister Ya'alon threatened last week in the media that Israel will resume targeted assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists. 
It was strange, because in the past, Israel didn't make its threats in the media - according to foreign reports, it conducted its assassinations in secret. Ya'alon's comments were not for Tehran's ears, however, but for Washington. There were other moves, more concrete ones. It's important to Israel to create the impression in Washington that approving the agreement would lead to war.
On the matter of Iranian nuclear scientists, Barnea is referring to an interview last week Defense Minister Ya'alon granted Der Spiegel. In that interview, Ya'alon hinted that Israel was responsible for a series of targeted attacks which killed five Iranian nuclear scientists, and boldly implied such targeted assassinations may be resumed along with the bombing of Iranian facilities if the deal passes.
According to a CBS news report in 2014, the Obama administration pressured Netanyahu last year to order a cessation of such targeted killings by Mossad. Now, with the nuclear agreement being weighed by Congress, the Netanyahu-led government is making not-so-veiled threats to Washington that it will act if the deal passes.
Of course, the deal is almost certain to pass via an Obama veto override. And even in the unlikely event that it does not, it is already an established fact formulated by five other nations―China, Russia, Germany, France and the U.K.―which will not resume sanctions if full American participation is not realized.
was not aware Israel was murdering Iranian scientist, well my friends i think it's time to cut the umbilical cord they are demanding our assistance in a potential war with Iran for fear of them getting what Israel already has a stockpile of nukes and while making these demands on us they are assassinating innocents who happen to be working for their own country, are those scientist any more dangerous to Israel than the Mossad to Iran???????

just who are the terrorist in the middle east are they all and this is a conflict over millenniums that they are to stubborn and pig headed to resolve themselves we need to stop sending our children to die for their pissing match 

the tax payer money we spend to insert ourselves into other peoples wars would be better spent to sure up our border entry points beef up the military deploy around our country invest in another star wars system designed to counter missle attacks the technology is decades better than when it was proposed by Reagan a republican idea from their idol.