Mark Greiner
Not one of them could carry Obama's jockstrap on their best day. Whether you like him or not, he was handed a disaster on multiple levels by Bush 43. All he did was save the nation from a depression, ended two very unpopular wars, cut deficit spending more than any POTUS in history, given access to healthcare to ten's of millions and above all when he leaves office the country will be in much better condition than when he started. For those that oppose him just be thankful he can't run for a third term because there ain't one of them that could beat him. Not one.
moments of clarity and reality seem to blissfully blow by republican propagandist or does it really???? we know they lie and misinform so maybe the bliss we see though i thing real for many is not as blissful as it might appear but more intentional denial that works within their base after decades of brain washing and implanting seeds of hate and bigotry not hard at all it's called preaching to the choir they are already on your side but a little reinforcement every 2 to 4 years won't hurt
keeping the juices flowing requires a certain amount of concentration. G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on" every 2 to 4 years like clock work, afterwards a non ceremonial kicking to the curb till next cycle and they don't even get a window don't want them to see what they enabled they might not like them if they knew.