Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ben Carson Says The ‘Black Lives Matter’ Movement Is ‘Silly’

Since the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Eric Garner in New York, Trayvon Martin in Florida, and countless others, “Black Lives Matter” has become a rallying call for a group of Americans unfairly targeted by police. 
Taking the message from protests to politicians, the movement has mounted pressure on 2016 presidential candidates to recognize the need for policies to address the disproportionate risk black Americans face of death in the hands of police.
But not all candidates are receptive to that message. On Friday, Ben Carson, the only African American candidate from either party vying for the presidency, spoke at a conference organized by black conservative group Freedom’s Journal Institute (FJI) and titled “In Defense of Life: Why All Lives Matter.”
Candidates on both the left and right have been criticized for their declaration of those words — “All Lives Matter” — diminishing the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement, which is asking people to recognize that black lives are devalued by our criminal justice system. Ben Carson, however, told ThinkProgress this week he sees the whole movement as divisive.
“We need to talk about what the real issues are and not get caught up in silliness like this matters or that matters,” he said at a rally to defund Planned Parenthood Tuesday outside the U.S. Capitol, where protesters held signs reading “Unborn Lives Matter.”
“Of course all lives matter. I don’t want to get into it, it’s so silly,” he continued, laughing to himself. “Black lives are part of all lives, right? When we’re talking about a culture of life, then we ought to be talking about a culture of life and not allow ourselves to get caught up in all the divisive rhetoric and terminology and political correctness. It’s the reason we can’t make any progress as a society.”
did this guy do brain surgery on himself, he has gone from one despicable crack to another first with ObamaCares being worse than slavery take a look at the biggest embarrassment for Black people since Allen West,  does he think he can get elected on White voters alone well the few that would vote for him are no match for all Black people and every other person that can spot idiocy that won't.

their last token Herman Cain was a joke this House "N" is just pitiful does he realize he loses the Black vote for not just himself but the party too.  all i can say is more power to him and Trump and all republican hopefuls we too are hopeful but just not for you!!!