Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Bush campaign lied about meeting with Black Lives Matter activists


Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush listens to a question during an appearance at The Chicago Council on Global Affairs in Chicago, Illinois, February 18, 2015.   REUTERS/Jim Young  (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS) - RTR4Q53V
                    Did I say met? I meant, um, not that.
If you were suspicious on hearing the news that Jeb Bush, of all people, had a "face to face" meeting with Black Lives Matter activists in order to address their concerns, you were right. It turns out the Bush campaign simply lied about it.
There was a meeting, but no activists from the Black Lives Matter movement participated. Instead, Bush met with a local elected official, a GOP lobbyist and a staffer from an anti-poverty organization. [...]
There were three people at the table with Bush. Hooks confirmed that a member of his staff [from the Las Vegas Urban League] was one of them. North Las Vegas Mayor Pro Tem Pamela Goynes-Brown was the second, and she said the third attendee was Sean Fellows, a registered lobbyist for a communications firm who once ran as a Republican candidate for state assembly.
And without disparaging any of those fine people, none of them are, you will note, activists in the Black Lives Matter campaign and the movement itself was not discussed during the 15-minute meeting. 
It may be that Jeb Bush and the people surrounding him genuinely cannot tell the difference between Black Lives Matter activists and a group of other people, some of whom are black, or it may be that a member of the Urban League, a local mayor and a registered lobbyist is about the most grassrootsy crowd the Bush campaign is willing to meet with (commoners give him hives), 
or it may be that the Black Lives Matter activists were indeed invited to the meeting but got stuck in traffic and nobody on Jeb's staff noticed their absence—but the Jeb campaign pointedly said he met with Black Lives Matter activists before their disruption of his Las Vegas event. And Jeb pointedly did no such thing.
So yeah, they lied. He's just superb at this campaigning thing, isn't he? I can see why he's rocketed all the way to seventh place or so among Republican voters. As for why the campaign would lie about such an obviously checkable thing, you've got me there, but we've already seen a lot of evidence that Jeb Bush is not necessarily the smart one.
that is a mystery for me as well why say something you know to be a lie and big enough to be news checkable news like Romney and the Jeep lie, or Ryan's biggee is there some side effect of lying that comes when you come in contact with other republicans?

more over why voters still voting for those who lie to them too maybe it's in the air and only targets republicans and their voters and they want to kill the CDC and deregulate damning them to a perptual state of the deception and deceived.
