Wednesday, August 12, 2015

15-year-old Andre Green is youngest person killed by police since Tamir Rice

Andre Green

Late Sunday night, 15-year-old Andre Green was shot and killed by police in Indianapolis, Indiana. He appears to be the youngest victim of police violence since 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot and killed by police in Cleveland this past November.
Tragically, we do know this much...
Medics pronounced him dead at the scene.
The officers who struck the suspect will be placed on paid leave as police investigate the shooting, which is standard procedure in any officer-involved shooting.
Investigators have not yet found the other passengers of the car.
IMPD Lt. Richard Riddle said he does not believe the cars involved were equipped with dashboard cameras. IMPD officers are not currently wearing body cameras, as a pilot program that tested them ended last month.
In other words, body cameras or dashboard cameras simply aren't a priority in this department and we are left to believe whatever the police tell us about why they just absolutely had to kill this young man.
While the police claim that Green was attempting to hit them with a stolen car and that they shot in the car as an unavoidable last resort, without these cameras, we'll likely never know the full truth. And Green isn't alive to say what his intentions were.
the fact that dash and body cams have not been implemented in many police forces shows they really don't want us to know what goes on during another day at the office.  we have seen they have a propensity to lie after killing our children or us they have seen that some of those questionable killings tell a totally different story then they do. 

i fear if they are forced to comply with camera usage those who oppose will find a way to circumvent the evidence of guilt i say guilt because there would be no reason to tamper with the evidence if one is innocent.