Monday, July 27, 2015

WATCH: Ken Cuccinelli smacked down on CNN for suggesting ‘Black Lives Matter’ is insult to white people

Ken Cuccinelli appears on CNN (screen grab)
Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R) argued on Sunday that many Americans objected to the “Black Lives Matter” movement because it suggested that the lives of black people mattered more than whites and other races.
CNN political contributor Bakari Sellers explained during a panel discussion that the “Black Live Matter” movement had become a hot topic in the Democratic presidential primary because the lives of so many black people had ended during confrontations with police officers.
“You have African-Americans who literally do not get the benefit of their humanity,” he pointed out. “And that’s a problem. You know, in my next interaction — I’m the only person at this table whose next interaction [with law enforcement] may cause them to be a hashtag.”
“And that’s something that we feel, that’s a very deep pain,” Sellers said.
Cuccinelli argued that it was important to add the word “too” to the end of the “Black Lives Matter” slogan.
“Adding t-o-o at the end puts it in a context that makes sense,” the former Virginia attorney general insisted.
“But it’s implicit though,” Sellers noted.
typical White guy trying to usurp Black expression by totally changing it's meaning by including Whites who are not subjected to the things that brought this movement to life than has the audacity to say it's an insult to White people to not put the word too meaning also, at the end of "BLACK LIVES MATTER" a second egregious put down is by saying this he is literally cancelling out the statement because Whites are not being killed indiscriminately by White police 

so the mantra of "BLACK LIVES MATTER" is ignored as a relevant stand alone truth, yes all lives matter but the ones ranting against "BLACK LIVES MATTER" really don't think they do.  bottom line they refuse anything that is ours without laying claim to it too there's the too happy???????????  examples your everyday life things you take for granted were invented by others click link below