Sunday, July 5, 2015

Ted Cruz: 'You Can't Run A Grassroots Campaign If You're An Arrogant Little Snob'

He could have fooled me. If this is a humbled Ted Cruz, I don't want to know what he was like before. From this Sunday's Meet the Press, here's Cruz with a completely self-serving, irony-free bit of claptrap for host Chuck Todd:
"I was a young man in my 20s, and I had enjoyed a lot of success," Cruz said, "Almost everything I'd laid my hands to had gone well. And I was far too cocky for my own good."
At the end of the successful campaign, he said, "I desperately wanted to have a senior job in the White House. Frankly, I wanted to be … Michael J. Fox's character in 'The American President,' a young, idealistic staffer in the Oval Office, saying, 'Mr. President, do the right thing.'"
"And that didn't happen, and it became clear it wasn't going to happen because I had burned too many bridges," Cruz continued. He went on to say that in retrospect, he is grateful he didn't get the job, because he never would have been able to run his grassroots 2012 Senate campaign if he hadn't learned a little humility. "You can't run a grassroots campaign if you're an arrogant little snob," he said. "I needed to get my teeth kicked in."
Despite the proverbial teeth-kicking, Cruz arrived in Washington in 2013 with plenty of confidence and bravado still remaining. During his two years in the Senate so far, Cruz has led a failed nationwide campaign to defund Obamacare, and played a pivotal role in engineering the 2013 government shutdown, an event widely seen as having damaged the Republican Party.
As a fiery ideologue, it came as little surprise that when Cruz was asked to name a quality he admired about Obama, he said, "I admire that he's a true believer."
"There are some people in the grassroots who ascribe bad motives to him, and I will often dispute that," Cruz continued. "I think he believes in all of his heart in his principles. I think he fights for them, relentlessly, and if I were a leftist, I would love Barack Obama because he has advanced the left-wing progressive agenda more than any president in history."
As far as Cruz is concerned, "the problem is the ideas [Obama] believes are profoundly dangerous, that millions of Americans have been hurt by exploding government regulations and taxes have taken away jobs and opportunity. But I admire that he stands and fights for his principles."
i'm at a loss here i saw this and he answered to quickly to have been looking for an answer it also was not the patented slap Pres. whenever you can response which leaves me with two other options either he was fed the questions earlier given NBC and Todd's leaning right or he meant it that is what befuddles me.

but than he goes back to character and slams Pres.'s ideas,  granted they are all counter to republican agenda and are all good for we the people and the country so it's natural he would oppose them but they have never presented any plan on anything that did not benefit the rich first and leave us with stale crumbs.  

he is a tea person and has a track record as mentioned in the article all negative to the more moderate side of his party as well as the rest of the country.  so what do we get from this encounter IMO not much you can admire someone for their
sticktoitness but what they are sticking to is the determining factor as to it's relevance.  Pres. very good, Cruz lousy and one sided.  btw what is it in Pres.'s ideas that are "profoundly dangerous"  guess Todd didn't think it his job to let us in on what dangers we are facing with Pres. and his ideas.

oh did i mention he Cruz lies and misleads???