each encounter of this subject seems to be about two things those who oppose defend bigotry in the name of The Lord and claim to be violated because of it while the other side points out none of their assumptions are true unless you role reverse then it is a fact they are trying to violate your rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. as pointed out by Whoopie they weren't invited how were they participating, plying their trade is what a business does selling it takes any responsibility or presumed ownership from the business person so "WHAT THE FUSS?"
nobody is denying them the right to think say and i some case do what they do the protest is that they can't do it to a point of impacting physically on another, 1st amendment even protects them from hurting others feeling however that to is changing we see it in bully laws that end in death of the one being bullied either by suicide or those that oppose. you just can't say to another American citizen i don't like what you do so you can't do it anymore while reserving your own personal right to do just that to them, double standards are prejudicial and born of bigotry.
Bure quite content to step on others rights while defending hers to step on others.
hypocrisy at least egregiously reprehensible at best.