Wednesday, July 8, 2015

North Carolina Pastor Wants Christian Flag Flown Above Old Glory

Outdoor Christian Flag

Fox and Friends enjoys playing the victim in their weekly The Fight For Faith segment, which shows sanctimonious Christians being persecuted by non-religious heathens, and the courageous battle that ensues. Elisabeth Hasselbeck interviews a North Carolina pastor who believes that all Americans should value his deity over their own country. He wants to divide the country and offend many people by flying a much younger Evangelical Christian flag over our nation's symbol of freedom, beloved by so many.
The red cross on a blue corner atop a white field (for purity) is the flag found in the Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism, which dictates all the extreme, Old Testament purity that these televangelist preachers seem to love, until the truth of their own sins is ultimately exposed. (see scandals like Ted Haggard, Jim Bakker et al.)
Pastor Rit Varriale claims that our Founding Fathers, who eschewed the idea of mixing religion and government, based our newly formed government on Christian Values. This couldn't be further from the truth, as the First Amendment said something emphatically different.
okay we have heard ad nauseam how Gays and every other religion in the world is trying to suppress evangelicals freedom of religion and denying that is exactly what they are doing to everyone else.  trying to force their religious hating and discrimination's on us well here's another crystal clear example.  if they get their way they are saying to the world they are dominate at least in SC.

take a look at the link below to get a picture of how many other religions in SC they are suppressing by letting their flag fly without the others along side. that is shoving a bigoted hate filled faux religion down the peoples throats and like i said just a show of power and supremacy.