Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Mike Huckabee: Marriage equality isn't a true civil right. 'What an insult to African-Americans'


Former Arkansas Governor and former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee addresses supporters during the third session of the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, August 29, 2012.  REUTERS/Mike Segar (UNITED STATES  - Tags: PO

Just throwing this out there, but maybe the whitest man alive should not be telling black Americans what things should or should not insult them.
Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said Tuesday that calling same-sex marriage a “civil right” was an “insult to African-Americans,” who experienced “true discrimination” during the era of segregation. [...]
“First of all,” Huckabee said, “what an insult to African-Americans, who were hosed in the street, who were beaten, who were truly discriminated against with separate restrooms, separate drinking fountains, separate entrances. That was true discrimination and it was horrible. It’s hard to say that the redefinition of marriage is on the same basis as was racial discrimination throughout our history.”
Huckabee knows all about that history, you see, because of his previous dalliances with the Council of Conservative Citizens, the pro-segregationist group credited by white supremacist Dylann Roof as playing an inspirational role in his belief that black Americans needed to be murdered. Who better among us to decide what amounts to "true" discrimination then the guy who couldn't quite figure out that maybe giving a keynote address to a group of white supremacists was a bad idea.
Yeah, let's all listen to that guy to decide what "true" discrimination is. Gawd.
once again the charlatan strikes a blow for Progressives what reason would he think would make Black people upset that he of all republicans would try to tie the two together they are both historically plagued by people like him and their bigoted prejudices which just fortifies the fact that he is doing the same thing but trying to put lipstick on it.  trying to get us to step way down and be like them.

well there are Black people who are bigoted so to those he's just preaching to the choir the rest of us will we see it for what it is a feeble attempt to garner more opposition from another source toward LGBT lifestyle while claiming religious persecution by those they are religiously persecuting are they just plain everyday dumb as a plastic bag full of bricks or blinded by a hate manufactured and cultivated through the centuries to a now in explainable myth born of racist fears????