Monday, July 27, 2015

Jindal Threatens Arrest For Westboro Baptist Church Protesters At Funerals


Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) on Sunday threatened to arrest members of the Westboro Baptist Church who stage protests at the funerals for the victims of the Thursday shooting at a movie theater in Lafayette, La.
"If they come here to Louisiana, if they try to disrupt this funeral, we're going to lock them up. We're going to arrest them. They shouldn't try that in Louisiana. We won't abide by that here," Jindal said on CBS' "Face the Nation." "Let these families grieve. Let them celebrate their daughters, their children, their spouses, their loved ones’ lives in peace. They better not try that nonsense here."
The Westboro Baptist Church, the anti-gay group known for protesting at military funerals, indicated last week that their members would picket at the funerals for the two victims of the shooting, which begin on Monday.
westboro is a home for right wing racist and bigots they are of the evangelical sect a big part of Jindal's electorate so why is he talking smack, IMO if he were to arrest them it would only bolster their hate creds with the republican base emboldening them to keep it up it's free press they get their name and agenda out there attracting more haters.  it would also backfire on Jindal did he forget what state he's in???  i guess when you are at the bottom you want to go up but you can't do it with a shovel in hand.

i really would like to know what it is they worship because it can't be the God we know and love.  if you need to know more about this cult click the link below and pick something anything it's all relative.