Friday, July 3, 2015

Jeb! trashes Obamacare in public, but privately made a cool half million off it

Republican U.S. presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush pauses as he formally announces his campaign for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination during a kickoff rally in Miami, Florida June 15, 2015.  REUTERS/Joe Skipper TPX IMAGE

Jeb! has called Obamacare "flawed to its core" on several occasions, but apparently it wasn't too flawed for him to make a handsome profit from. Josh Barro reports.
According to tax returns released by Mr. Bush’s campaign on Tuesday, he sold $1,103,424 worth of stock in Tenet Healthcare in September and October of 2013, yielding a capital gain of $556,283. It hadn’t taken Mr. Bush long to double his money — he was selling shares he had acquired in 2010 and 2011.[...]
Mr. Bush served as a director of Tenet from 2007 to 2014, and like other directors, he was required as a condition of his employment to hold a significant investment in Tenet.
Mr. Bush’s tax returns reflect a gain of 105 percent on Tenet stock he acquired in May 2011 and sold in October 2013. Tenet shares actually gained 68 percent over that period; Mr. Bush’s higher gain may be related to his receipt of restricted stock grants. Still, Tenet’s 68 percent gain was much stronger than the 26 percent overall gain for the S.&P. 500 index over the same period.
And why did Tenet's stocks outperform other stocks? Because investors anticipated that Obamacare would make hospitals more profitable, with increased usage and fewer payment defaults by uninsured patients.
here they go again not thinking past 5 seconds he released 33 years of tax returns but nobody saw this as a flag wave??  wonder who that mastermind was, none the less he had to be aware of his earnings if not then certainly after he decided to run or did he he is a Bush and mama warned him not to run.

not begrudging him the money but the hypocrisy of slamming that which fills his coffers that my friends is tantamount to biting the hand that feeds you.