Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fox's Brit Hume Blames "The Deregulation Of Sex" For Campus Sexual Assaults

another Fox i don't know what to call it listen to the rhetoric it sounded more like they were trying to make the boyz will be boyz thing trump the right not to be raped it's continuing the it's okay message to those looking for a loophole to rape. disgusting them.

out of curiosity what is Kelly finding so amusing about somebody trying to do something about campus rape the congress won' all they do is think of little witty things to say like "a woman's body can shut that whole thing down" speaking of pregnancy by rape or "they can put an aspirin between their legs", but never any words about the boyz taking responsibility i guess when you're at war you don't blame your own troops.
Foster Friess, a major Santorum donor, suggested that “gals” might want to hold aspirin between their knees as a birth-control device.