Friday, July 3, 2015

First grader stands tall against homophobic street preacher

Zea is a first grader who was at ComFest—a family-friendly music festival in Columbus Ohio. According to the video uploader:
Zea was not there to protest. She volunteers every year, and was on her way to spend her volunteer tokens on pizza.
The event took place one day after SCOTUS legalized gay marriage throughout our nation. This guy was sad about that and he and his friend, who likes to hold things, decided to take their "I'm lonely and I need attention any kind of attention will do" Karaoke machine out into the streets and yell about how everyone was going to hell.
Well, Zea wasn't born yesterday. She was born six years ago and therefore has already forgotten how the world ended back in 2000. In the face of purity this "preacher" had to back off. It is sweet to watch how simple and powerful Zea's silent protest is.
what that says to me is this guy was not serious in his conviction and looking for a quick 15 mins. of fame i come to that because he launched his tirade on a 6 year old while many adults were standing there.  the high fives she received were inspiring as another sign of bigotry circling the drain.  i agree with the sign but the motive still IMO mostly because Zea was holding a rainbow flag was all about intolerance.