Yeah, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is running for president. No, I don't know why either. And yes, his polling numbers are terrible.
Negativity toward Christie in the past 18 months has pervaded judgments on Christie as a person (now seen as more bully than trustworthy), his job (no rating crosses the 50-percent mark), and his chances for 2016 (more than four in 10 New Jerseyans said they have worsened recently).
Which would be a problem if Christie needed to give a damn what people in New Jersey think, as opposed to filling his days with long trips determining what Iowans thought about gestational pig crates so he could make sure his New Jersey administration temporarily thought that thing too.
In any event, Christie announced his candidacy Tuesday morning in an event filled with all the enthusiasm of a mandatory school assembly and with abstract threats to do to the country what he's done for New Jersey. Presumably that means nixing high-priority state infrastructure projects, or intentionally fouling traffic in order to teach political enemies a lesson, or yelling at people,
or transparent cronyism, or nixing the indictments of political allies, or tanking the state's credit rating, or defunding pensions while making sure Wall Street still gets their cut, or ick, just ick, or taking lavish trips overseas, or just generally being the most obnoxious person in any room he's in, which given the company he keeps is a damn impressive accomplishment.
All right, so Christie's in. God only knows who he considers his "base." Iowa pig farmers, I guess, and people who really hate Social Security.
what is it with republican base they rally at elected officials telling them to "sit down and shut up" like they are 5 year old's, they cheer at the bully tactics that has allowed him to tank NJ, defund their pensions that for me would be pitchfork and torch time.
vindictive politics if you dare to oppose yet he has no knowledge of the bridge closing that was all over the news and blowing up the phones in his office. the only genuine moment he had was hugging Pres. for doing what his own party wouldn't give his state hurricane relief. where's that guy or was that too just another photo opt???
imagine Christie v. Putin talking peace at each other who gets the title of billy badazz and who loses American and or Russia.