Thursday, June 11, 2015

What McKinney truly exposed for the mainstream is a deep and dangerous white fear of black bodies

I'm sure you knew this already, but culture deeply informs the way two very different people truly see and perceive the very same event. I knew that, but knowing it and witnessing it are very different.
Yesterday, I was doing an interview on a Sirius satellite radio show when the host began taking callers. The first caller, a sincere man who claimed to have over 20 years of experience in law enforcement, very seriously called what happened in McKinney, Texas, "a riot." He wasn't joking. He was an earnest dude. He watched the video and what he concluded that he saw was a riot in which the primary perpetrators were dangerous black teenagers. He wasn't a troll. He meant it.
I've watched every video and seen every still photo taken from the pool party in McKinney, and I have yet to see a riot. The most dangerous and violent person I see on the video is Officer Eric Casebolt, who put his hands on multiple black teenagers until he finally grabbed a 14-year-old girl in a swimsuit and manhandled her the way you'd expect someone would manhandle a toughened criminal or someone who posed some type of physical threat. As he pulled her hair and dragged her along the grass, then put his knee and full body weight on her back and told her to put her face into the grass, I saw an assault.
The only people I saw who were armed with lethal weapons were the police. Most of the kids were in bikinis and swimsuits and were out on a hot summer day having some fun.
Yet, white pundit after white pundit saw something drastically different.
Sean Hannity stated that Officer Eric Casebolt was fully justified in his behavior and in pulling out his pistol because the black teenagers could've come up behind the officers and "hit them with a shank in the back."
Really? A shank? In a swimsuit? At a pool party?
Be honest and tell me who has shanks?
Prisoners have shanks.
I saw beautiful black teenagers who looked like my own kids, but Sean Hannity saw prisoners who were potentially carrying shanks coming up from behind the officer, like on prison television, and stab them in the neck in front of everyone.
Appearing later on the Sean Hannity Show on Fox News, former NYPD Detective Bo Dietl stated that one of the teens could've told the officer, "I'm gonna pop a cap."
Really? First of all, who says that at all in 2015 besides a middle-aged man on Fox News? Secondly, the video actually has audio, and the kids are clearly upset, distraught even, at the sight of their young friend being brutalized. Nobody says a damn thing about "popping caps." It's preposterous and racist.
Who pops caps? TV gangsters from the early 1990s pop caps or threaten to do so. These kids were born in the year 2000, nearly a decade after Boyz N The Hood and Menace II Society were released.
Furthermore, if any kid there threatened to "pop a cap," it's clear that Casebolt would've shot them right there on the spot and we'd be dealing with a different story altogether. In fact, had this incident not been filmed, maybe he would've used that weapon. We'll never know.
keeping the bogeyman alive for bigoted White America that is what we got from Fox assurance that any wrongs had to be committed by the teens because they were Black and the racist and bigots shake their heads in affirmative unison.  it won't stop until those ideals are scrubbed from the heads of those who are the real perpetrators.  

good heads up about popping a caps that now is old White guy hold over from back in the day, shanks where were the keeping these weapons???  guns are heavy will fall through swim suits shanks where was the blood that would have come from diving and running around with it in that same swimsuit.  the real reason things are as they are they won't admit it so it's destined to be the status quo, until population demographic changes and they are the minority, change gonna come.