Saturday, June 6, 2015

Walker Finds New Way To Screw Over Kids

Y'know, I'm starting to think that Scott Walker doesn't like children too much.
On Black Friday in 2013, Walker's campaign sent out the infamous fundraising email telling people to not but Christmas gifts for their kids and to give him the money instead:
Instead of venturing into the cold this Black Friday, stay in and give your children a gift that will keep on giving.
This year, we are celebrating the Holiday Season with a Black Friday special that is better than any deal found in stores. Donate $5, $10 or $25 to help Governor Walker get reelected and save your children from a future of double-digit tax increases and billion dollar budget deficits.
Instead of electronics or toys that will undoubtedly be outdated, broken, or lost by the next Holiday Season, help give your children the gift of a Wisconsin that we can all be proud of. Governor Walker is helping Wisconsin move forward to a future where your children and grandchildren can experience:
With your help, Governor Walker is enacting reforms that are securing a strong state for the future of Wisconsin’s children. This Black Friday, donate $5, $10 or $25 to help Governor Walker win reelection so he can continue to help Wisconsin move forward.
A strong Wisconsin is the best gift you can give.
aside from the shameless despicable arrogance of asking people to forgo their children's holiday as well as sales they might seek to let him continue doing the Koch Bros. bidding.  he is against everything that middle class down are in favor of and need to survive and to suggest giving him another bite at your butt from a higher perch making him more important than the smiles on your kids faces.  
can you imagine telling the kids there are no presents we spent the money so republicans and big business can keep up the deprivation of everything you might need and allow the Koch's to continue polluting putting you and your sisters life in danger, especially the younger ones who live for the Christmas Day experience.  that strong Wisconsin he created well take a look .

this is the cold callus republican apathy at work they are not only screwing with you they are now after your kids when are you going to fight back?????