Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) apparently didn't want presidential rival Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) to get all the limelight for creating spectacles in the Senate, so he staged a little hearing last week over Obamacare. Specifically, he wanted to force officials from the Treasury Department to come to him and explain why they allowed subsidies to people buying health insurance on the federal exchange.
If this question sounds vaguely familiar to you, it's because gallons of pixels have been spilled here and everywhere over the lawsuit now pending before the Supreme Court which asks precisely that question. So Cruz didn't want just to upstage Paul, he wanted to upstage the Supreme Court with his own hearing. It didn't work.
The Treasury Department, not wanting to be drawn in, told Cruz's office that the officials would not be available because the questioning related to the ongoing litigation.
In response, Cruz wrote to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew that he would "pursue other options, including compulsory process" to making Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Emily McMahon, Deputy Tax Legislative Counsel for Tax Policy Cameron Arterton, and Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Mark Mazur appear before his subcommittee. In other words, Cruz was threatening to subpoena the officials to come forward for a good old-fashioned Affordable Care Act bashing. […]
The Treasury Department was unmoved by Cruz's letter. A Treasury spokesman, in response to Cruz, said the department has already cooperated with Congress.
Cruz decided to hold his hearing anyway, and made a big show of having the namecards of the Treasury officials who didn't turn up placed on the witness table and then taken off the witness table. Then a bunch of "scholars and lawyers stepped in to testify about Obamacare instead." After months of litigation of this case, the scholars and lawyers were at least practiced in talking about this issue that Cruz apparently thinks he stumbled upon all by himself.
do you think a politician that has to sink that low to impress voters is the kind of person you want leading the country, obviously many on the right think yes after all that is a criteria for being in that party you must be heartless, apathetic, willing to screw more than half of the electorate, lie, cheat and mislead and misinform take food out of babies mouths by denying food stamps and healthcare all to get into office, so if you do all that to those who's vote you want what are the positive things you'll do for them once in office???????
keep in mind this guy operates from the playbook of the tea party guess if he doesn't get his way he can always shut down the gov't again and blame it on Pres.