Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Jon Stewart's take on police assault of teenage girl in McKinney, TX

Jon Stewart and Jessica Williams use sarcasm to show the insidiousness of the assault by the McKinney police on an innocent teenage girl at a pool party. Stewart starts the skit by playing a CNN report stating that the incident began because of kids without pool passes using the pool. It then showed a subsequent clip that indicated the police officer that brutalized the young teenager and manhandled other minority kids was placed on administrative leave.
Stewart then showed the most graphic portion of the video, the segment where the police officer assaulted the young teenager and pointed his gun at two teenage boys. He showed that the officer was being redundant as he was asking the teenager to do what she was already doing—while on the ground he commanded her to get her ass on the ground.
Stewart then showed how biased the reporting is as the narrative implied that all the black kids were visitors without pool passes. He showed a clip where a teenager with her father explained that she lives in the neighborhood, has a pass, and was at the pool party. Moreover she said many kids had pool passes.  kudo's to Ms. Williams she too was spot on.
and the plot thickens, and once again Mr. Stewart in his own inimitable way brings the truth and horror no terrorism unleashed on Black kids who were mostly within their legal rights to be where they were to more clarity.  a White resident gets into a fight with a Black teen obviously because she was there and her prejudices couldn't handle it. 

 when called by White residents call police because there were too many Black teens at pool party did they stop to consider most were residents too with passes or did they ignore that fact because they were overwhelmed by the sight of sooooo many Black bodies in their community pool????   so who really created this radical purging of young Blacks like White restroom and colored restroom what is the difference in attitude 60 70 years later????