Swallow that last gulp of Poland Spring before you read further, because I don't want you spitting it out all over your laptop:
"It's not nation-building. We are assisting them in building their nation," Rubio said of his vision for Iraq.
i really wonder who really are the dumbazzes and party of stupid those who act out the part or those who keep buying tickets to see it happen over and over??? their base is not filled with billionaires but with poor and working poor so why keep supporting people proven year after year and mostly from their own mouths that it ain't about them either. their vote only strengthens the grip of those billionaires and the vanishing social net that fed their kids too.
if he and others can't recognize the difference in what they say and what they think the mean why put them in charge of everything??? i guess some just have a death wish we need to stop them because their wish easily can be our reality. recognize Nov. 4th 2016 did i mention he abandoned his race for the lure of right wing power and money, no immigration for them as long as he and republicans are in position the prevent it.