I'm not surprised that Sen. David Vitter would have something to say about gay marriage becoming the law of the land. This is a guy who, after all, once called banning gay marriage the most important issue facing the nation once. And not even being outed as a massive, hooker loving, diaper-sporting hypocrite can stop him from voicing his disapproval to the sight of happy couples being joined together in wedded bliss. Or at least, using Twitter to be an asshole:
Twitter does not forget.
That’s what Senator David Vitter (R-Louisiana) learned the hard way when he lashed out at the Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling Friday with this tweet:
Chick-fil-A kind of day
Complete with a big photo of him sitting in a car chowing down on Chick-fil-A. Ha ha, sure showed them gays what's what.
It didn't take long for Twitter to strike back, as evidenced by this tweetfrom journalist Sam Knight:
You always know exactly where to go when you want to uphold the sanctity of marriage, Senator
Complete with this headline and accompanying article:
New Orleans Madam Says Sen. David Vitter Used Her Brothel
Boom, baby. And he wasn't alone. Courtesy of Salon here's some of the other replys:
How do you pick between a "Chick-fil-A kind of day" and a "cheat-on-your-wife-with-prostitute" kind of day?
You get off on wearing adult diapers and being an adult baby. Who are you to judge my lifestyle and marriage?
@DavidVitter marriage is between a man, a woman and his prostitutes. Right Senator?
Is that where you meet your hookers? Like is "Chik-Fil-A" code for "hooker"?
While proponents of marriage equality celebrated love, Vitter ate a shitty chicken sandwich in his car. #Winning
And my favorite:
I thought you preferred Wendys.witless facetious bigoted comments from those who oppose are not getting the the effect they were aiming for. aside from the standard not thinking before opening that pie hole on the front of their heads they really need to keep up they are a dying breed only the few they came with are laughing but than again Trump is their number 2 wannabe,
you know when there is a controversial subject that you oppose in a minority you can think of little put downs and belittlement's that sound so funny you can't wait to tell the others but that is where they go wrong instead of keeping it in the family the social network it or it's leaked and as they say the cat is out of the bag.
let me leave them with a message have you tried downloading "using your fly trap for dummies" user manual????? also as a reminder