After Hillary Clinton called for universal opt-out voter registration and 20 day early voting in every state, to no one's surprise, Christie, Republicans everywhere and their enablers in the media immediately went on the attack.
Christie lashed out at Clinton for the push for early voting, claiming that she "just wants an opportunity to commit greater acts of voter fraud around the country.” Anyone who actually follows the facts, rather than Republican fearmongering on the issue knows full well that voter fraud is virtually non-existent, but that hasn't stopped them from doing just that every time someone sticks a microphone anywhere near one of their mouths.
They get away with repeating that lie because television hosts like John Dickerson allow it, as the viewers were treated to this Sunday:
DICKERSON: Hillary Clinton mentioned you and said you and other Republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. What is your reaction to that?
CHRISTIE: She doesn't know what she's talking about.
In New Jersey, we have early voting that are available to people. I don't want to expand it and increase the opportunities for fraud. Maybe that's what Mrs. Clinton wants to do. I don't know.
But the fact is that folks in New Jersey have plenty of an opportunity to vote. And maybe if she took some questions some places and learned some things, maybe she wouldn't make such ridiculous statements.
DICKERSON: She says it's fear-mongering, this idea that there's a lot of election fraud going on.
CHRISTIE: Yes. Well, she's never been to New Jersey, I guess.
Which of course got zero follow up by Dickerson. Our friend Steve M. took Dickerson apart for that quite nicely here (emphasis mine): Voter Fraud: The Socially Acceptable Conspiracy Theory:
There were so many opportunities for Dickerson to ask a strong follow-up here, or several follow-ups. He could have asked: Governor, are you saying that early voting leads directly to voter fraud? In which case, why aren't you trying to eliminate it in your state?
Or are you saying that you have just the right number of days of early voting in your state in order to prevent voter fraud, but if you had any more, suddenly there'd be voter fraud? In which case, what's the magic formula? At what point does early voting inevitably lead to voter fraud? Are you aware of any cases of voter fraud that have arisen in your state as a result of early voting? Are you aware of any voter fraud in your state at all?
Dickerson seems to have gone to the same "school" of "journalism" as Chuck Todd, where you learn not to ask tough questions because your guests might not want to come Christie saying he knows all this but has no idea what happened in his own office???? we know fraud is what republicans try to unload on Americans to justify their voter suppression of Progressive voters (Black and Hispanic) we've seen other stats that boil down to infinitesimal numbers like 00000.03% and note in the link below those states that are crying wolf are republican states or more red leaning, remember the Pennsylvania guy who said
"Voter ID which is going to allow Governor Romney to win the State of Pennsylvania... Done!"
that is the true intent of voter ID laws.
this is an older posting but those figures are not so readily available after all when you cook your own numbers you don't report the facts you jiggle them until it ;looks like you have cause to disenfranchise millions of voters. this next paragraph is part of the link, you can always tell it's election time republican lies get more frequent and have a noticeable ring as they are retreads of past political propagandized rants to validate their skulduggery
Out of hundreds of millions of ballots cast, they counted 633 incidents. Among states with voter ID laws on the books, Georgia and Kansas have seen the most prosecutions, with 80 and 97 cases respectively. In Pennsylvania, which may require voters to show identification on Election Day if the state’s Supreme Court does not block the new law from taking effect, the number of fraud cases was just five.