Presenting Catholic League president Bill Donohue and his deeply important thoughts on marriage:
“This idea of two men getting married is the most bizarre idea in human history,” Donohue told host John Fugelsang, adding that the purpose of marriage is a “duty” to procreate.
“The whole purpose of marriage is to have a family,” he said. “It’s not about making people happy. It’s not about love.”
Glad we cleared that up. Marriage not about love, and screw happiness. Check. Wow, what a fabulous worldview this guy has. I can only imagine the sorts of songs they sing at his church.
The host also pointed out that the Catholic leader is a hypocrite for demanding we follow a Leviticus passage that prohibits “lying with another man,” yet he doesn’t refrain from eating pork or from wearing shirts with mixed fibers.
“I think there’s a little bit of difference between what kind of shirt I buy and two guys having anal sex,” Donohue dismissed.
old article but their sentiment still the same just shows nothing changes in the hallowed halls of hate. they not only disavow the union but delegitamize their feelings for one another that is stripping someone of their humanity which is what the White intolerant power structure has tried to do to every other race or choice a person makes about their own lives that doesn't fit their warped agenda, and they cry foul that their religious freedoms are being attacked, maybe we should attack them all out after all they have their war against everybody and thing else. they harm lives they only have their racist bigot ideals challenged big difference wouldn't you say????