A sports editor at the Daily Caller, the conservative news site run by pundit Tucker Carlson, described the Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby as "sexy" and said he "wouldn't mind being unrestrained in the back of Ms. Mosby's paddy wagon" in an article published on Friday.
Earlier in the day, Mosby announced her decision to charge six police officers allegedly involved in the case of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old Baltimore man who died from injuries sustained while in police custody.
In the Daily Caller article, headlined "Let's Be Honest: The Baltimore State's Attorney Is Kind Of A Smokeshow," sports editor Christian Datoc wrote:
Throughout the presser, the 35-year-old prosecutor managed to maintain a fiery, authoritative demeanor AND flashed some serious “crazy girl” eyes, a combination which — if truth be told — I found incredibly sexy.
Datoc also included a meme of a black actor with the text "Damn girl."my friends in the wake of Baltimore disturbance and all the right wing opining as to why and name calling as did the Black mayor, right winger Fox used to be Carlson shows the sentiment of White press and media which is disdain and disrespect for not only the Black experience but for women too.
she is the states attorney wit family poie connections and still did what she determined to be right and Carlson well he's suppose to be reporting but instead he chose the low road of republican demeaning and sexualizing something as serious and land breaking as the decision to hold accountable those responsible for safety in transport with a failure to do their jobs resulting in a death of yet another Black man at the hands of the police.
but than again they never gave any consideration to bad law enforcement after all he was Black he ran it could have been because of a history of abuse by the LT if he had no weapons or drugs but ran when he saw that one cop, i'm sure he saw others first but only ran when making eye contact with the one. something to think about while considering the despicable knuckle dragger's comment oh btw did the White boy realize she's Black??? doesn't that break some kinda bigot's code???