i am both ashamed and disappointed with my party, not so much Pres. i think he has been the sole pilot with the rest of the party not really having his back especially those in red states what good are they if they don't stand with the party agenda as defined by the Pres.? sitting in an office that you lean more to the opposition does nothing for the Progressive movement keeping a seat warm can be done by a cat and they would not support the party line either. yet with opposition on the right and desertion on the left he has made remarkable strides in that office. and media gone right wing for the money let that fantasy stand with no responsibility to tell us we are being lied to.
republican treachery/treason is unparalleled in our history but so is a Black Pres. things that were written in stone have met the wrecking ball and still Pres. is like the quarterback under center takes the hike and the entire offense heads to the benches quarterback staring at a rabid racist bigoted defense of anti American values i mean principles i mean ED (elephant dung, all by himself.
that said i'll leave you to read the article i did not want to copy paste any of it although i mostly agree with the author we are letting the stupid rub off and remember either side no matter what they say their is that defense staring them down and as we've seen past 6 1/2 years Pres. was right when he said "YES WE CAN" and republicans response from Beohner, "OH HELL NO YOU CAN'T" looks like we allowed the Beohner retort to win out and their my friends is the last nail in our coffin self induced indifference some time the choice is only the lesser to two evils except one is just categorized as evil but more the saving of "WE THE PEOPLE".