Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Sunday that the decades-old war on poverty has failed low-income communities and called for Washington to play a lesser role in dictating proposed solutions.
"After a 50-year war on poverty and trillions of dollars spent, we still have the same poverty rates – 45 million people in poverty," he said on CBS's "Face the Nation" program. "What we as a country – this isn't a Republican-Democrat thing – it's we as a country need to say, "That's not good enough. … We're not getting the results we need."
Ryan, the chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee and former vice presidential candidate, said federal programs aimed at alleviating poverty should be scaled back to allow states a great role in the effort.
that was an easy puzzle we know ltin Ryan went all the way trough 2012 hand in hand telling lies and misleading with Romney, btw is Jeep still here in America??? from the first sentence it was a sure bet that this would be about not giving any blame to republican politics which sustains this stagnation of advancement and second the incessant push to give power to the sates
he leaves out the part where they really only want to give it to their states and over last 6 years we've come to know what that means, no funding for social net restricting those they can't find a legitimate reason to kick off so they try drug testing everyone getting assistance, healthcare denied, medicaid extension denied, voter suppression, taking food stamps so he is finally telling the truth just not the fact that they maintain these things to control and keep no change and not working the status quo. dependable and still ol lyin Ryan misleading with misinformation.
The Republicans' 2016 budget plan, which passed the House last Thursday with no Democratic support, is designed to balance the federal books over a decade, largely with cuts to domestic programs aimed at reducing unemployment, particularly in low-income communities.
Ryan defended that approach Sunday, saying that spending levels are not as important as spending effectively.
"It's not a function of pumping more money into the same failed system because we'll just get the same failed result," he said. "It's rethinking how we actually attack the root causes of poverty. All we do these days effectively is treat the symptoms of poverty."
but to do that according to them they would have to let over half out of jail stop killing the fathers and make social needs more equal to rising economy and the biggee for them raise minimum wage. they say the problem is broken homes well who's done more to break them those who don't see them as worthy or still maybe as only 3/5ths of a human being.