In an interview with the National Review’s Rich Lowry, Jeb Bush confessed to being a fan of Charles Murray’s books. Twice during the interview, the Republican presidential hopeful professed admiration for Murray, citing the controversial author as an influential source for Bush’s own ideas.
When asked if there was anything public officials could do to address family breakdown in America, Bush replied, “absolutely there is”, and then he added, that his views on the question of family dissolution “were shaped a lot” by Charles Murray’s writings. Later in the interview, Jeb Bush again brought up the author, proclaiming proudly: "I like Charles Murray’s books to be honest with you, which means I’m a total nerd I guess"
Although Bush didn’t specify which of Charles Murray’s books he used to shape his views, he must surely be aware of the controversy surrounding Murray’s most well-known book, titled the The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. The Bell Curve is a pseudo-scientific racist tract that argues that black people are genetically inferior to whites intellectually and that White Americans have more wealth essentially because they are more intelligent than African-Americans.was there really any doubt of his ideology, he's a long time republican from a republican family so why would we think he was the best thing for us since sliced bread?? likei've said no matter what they say they will do what the party dictates. i think Grover Norquist of no tax pledge fame put it best during 2012 attempt.