Saturday, May 2, 2015

Georgia pastor has a message for the gay community: 'Homosexuality is a death worthy crime'

Sign reading

                       Religious extremism on display in Georgia

The American Taliban is alive and well in Georgia. This time in the town of Milledgeville, Georgia where resident Robert Owens noticed something unusual and outrageous:
Robert Owens was just casually riding his bike on North Columbia Street in Milledgeville when he noticed a sign that read "Homesexuality is a Death Worthy Crime."
What the what? Yes, you read that right. Pastor Robert Lee doesn't think there is a thing wrong with the sign. Killing homosexuals is apparently exactly what Jesus would do:
Lee says he sees nothing wrong with the sign and was just quoting Leviticus 20:13, a scripture in the Bible.
"Homosexuality is an abomination, and the Bible says that homosexuality is a death worthy crime," Lee said.
it is in Leviticus in the Old Testament but now times changed the people's attitude changed so has the writing and intent in the New Testament which by virtue of it's designation NEW it could imply that the old thinking is now obsolete or the scribes interpretation was and the new scribes have a different interpretation.  not defending or disputing Biblical intention but here's some food for thought you are on your own.  btw i don't know if God or Jesus would sanction killing those he made i do believe homosexuality is not a choice but maybe a gene or chromosome either way they both were created by God.