Friday, May 22, 2015

Fox's Geraldo Rivera: The Freddie Gray Case Will Mark "The Decline Into Irrelevancy Of The Modern Civil Rights Movement"

RIVERA: It seems that, I believe the Freddie Gray case will mark the decline into irrelevancy of the modern civil rights movement. It seems that they are only interested, black lives matter, black lives matter only when they're killed by cops, particularly white cops. Where is the outrage of the 100 Baltimore citizens who've been shot dead this year? There is none. And I think now you have the cops backing off, arrests are plummeting, Baltimore will become, you know Mark used the term a blood bath, it is a killing zone right now. 
talk about declining inti irrelevancy this guy has been on a downward spiral for years.  it's people like him and orgs like Fox that are why we never seem to maintain the two steps forward before they run in and take it three steps backward. they are dodging the issue of police murders  by misdirecting to another situation that has nothing to do with the topic at hand it's a staple of their denial blame the victims for police actions because they do it too that is right wing talk everytime you point out their dirt first response "they do it on the other side too" that does not exonerate them of their dirt sure there is enough to go around but you don't address one by pointing at another completely ignoring the former.  for the record the majority of the time we don't do it on this side it's a lie of deceptive misdirection.