Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fox Runs Fluff Piece On GOP's Supposed 'Hispanic Outreach' Program


I don't know about anyone else, but I had trouble telling the difference between this fluff piece from John Roberts on Fox's Special Report, telling their viewers how wonderfully the GOP 2016 presidential clown car is doing with their so-called "Hispanic outreach" and one of the videos The Onion regularly produces.
Sorry Fox, but a few candidates who can speak Spanish do not make up for the countless hours those voters have heard and watched of members of the Republican party (and your network) demonizing immigrants. And Ted Cruz sending his crazy wingnut father out on the campaign trail for him is not good news for Ted Cruz or for the party's prospects with the Latino vote.
my Hispanic friends don't be fooled again take it from George W. Bush they are lying to you.

Cruz, Rubio both have deserted you their faux effort to immigration was never a reality the party does not want you here they will ultimately follow and vote the party line which if you look close includes no words of inclusion or encouragement. recognize  no matter how you present elephant dung it still stinks.  the guy pictured above is the one who said your kids have calves like cantaloupes from smuggling drugs across the border, that is what they think of you and your families.  and Fox promotes them and their opinions of you. recognize support those who support you.