Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bobby Jindal reaches peak stupid: One-time GOP savior embraces hate speech to appease bigots, wingnuts


Bobby Jindal reaches peak stupid: One-time GOP savior embraces hate speech to appease bigots, wingnuts

Bobby Jindal was the great hope of the Republican Party. He was a fresh voice, the man most able to save the GOP from the dolts destroying it. But then something happened: Jindal decided that intellectual integrity was a political liability. He abandoned any pretense of serious governance, and began appealing to the basest elements of his party. He has since become a caricature of himself, a pandering hack with no moral compass and even less political intuition. So what happened? How did the man who decried his party for being too stupid become the dumbest of them all?
Jindal’s descent began in 2008. A young and promising governor, he attracted national attention, and for good reason. He was smart, competent and full of earnest ambition. Despite his bumbling response to Obama’s State of the Union speech, he became a rising star in the Republican Party.  And that’s when things began to change.
From 2009 on, Jindal has steadily debased himself for right-wing votes. He’s run Louisiana into the ground and spent most of his time fellating conservatives across the country with gaseous stump speeches and childish Op-Ed pieces. Since becoming the GOP’s golden boy, he has thought of nothing beyond his national conservative brand. Instead of reforming the stupid party, he’s encouraged it.
As governor of Louisiana, Jindal has attached himself to every regressive, anti-intellectual cause imaginable, and for purely political reasons. The man is an Ivy-educated biology major. He was even accepted into Harvard Medical School at one point. And yet he signed and supported the Louisiana Science Education Act, which allows science teachers to teach creationism in public schools. Jindal knows creationism is a farce, and he knows it’s a tremendous stain on Louisiana’s reputation to allow it to be taught in science classes. But he doesn’t give a damn. He wasn’t concerned with Louisiana’s future; he was signaling his conservative credentials to voters in Iowa and New Hampshire; appearing smart to stupid people was a strategic decision on his part.
Jindal reached peak stupid in January 2015, when he staged a massive prayerapooloza in Louisiana. Modeled after Rick Perry’s 2011 prayer rally, it was a pathetic attempt to gin up support for his presidential campaign. The event itself was an orgy of bigotry and religious demagoguery. Here’s a passage drawn directly from the rally materials:
“We have watched sin escalate to a proportion the nation has never seen before. We live in the first generation in which…homosexuality has been embraced…While the United States still claims to be a nation ‘under God’ it is obvious that we have greatly strayed from our foundations in Christianity. This year we have seen a dramatic increase in tornadoes that have taken the lives of many…and let us not forget that we are only six years from the tragic events of Hurricane Katrina…”
You read that correctly: Gay people are responsible for a “dramatic increase in tornadoes” and other naturally occurring phenomena. That’s how low Jindal sunk; that’s how far he was willing to go. He embraced hate speech in order to appease bigoted fundamentalists, and he refused to distance himself from the fatuous assertion that gay people are the cause of bad weather. Indeed, he remains unpersuaded by a mountain of climate science, but appears cocksure that hurricanes are celestial punishments for America’s toleration of homosexuals. I don’t know if Jindal really believes that, but he pretended to, and that’s enough.
my first guess is while making his party of stupid speech he failed to identify the 3 stages stupid, stupider, stupidest in doing so he has leaped to the top with all the evidence around that hate and bigotry is losing ground big time he still spews that rhetoric.  i know he as most republicans are appeasing the faux evangelical cult but they seem to ignore that general elections are not dominated by those hate groups and the journey back to moderate is bumpier because of all the racial disparaging and bigot discrimination.

you can't just say "NEVER MIND I JUST DID IT TO GET THE HATE VOTE" there are no second impressions once you brand your forehead with the crimson letter "R" you are forever known as a member of the republican party of haters who take food out of children's mouths, refuse them healthcare and suppress their vote so thet can't do anything about it. despicable them