In an interview that aired on CNBC Wednesday, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid was asked to assess the field of current and potential candidates for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.
“I think they’re all losers,” the 75-year-old Nevada Democrat said.
On Thursday, one of those “losers” — Florida Sen. Marco Rubio — responded by taking the high road … sort of.
“The worst thing we can do is talk about it,” Rubio said on “Fox & Friends.” “That’s what he wants.”
“There used to be a line of civility in American politics,” Rubio said. “It’s particularly problematic on the left. They never argue with you about ideas. Their instant reaction is to attack you personally. I’m not saying people on the right don’t do it. It happens. But it’s so much more common on the left.”
On Wednesday, Rubio made headlines for his comments on gay marriage, saying he would attend the wedding of a same-sex couple despite his personal belief that a marriage should be between a man and a woman.
ever notice how they never quite admit their dirt without adding "it happens on both sides" and them claiming the lesser of the two evils except can any of you recall any Dem using that same bigoted rhetoric we constantly hear from them? he is right there use to be a line of civility until they broke it in 2008 with plan to make Obama fail, the disrespect of joe deadbeat wilson "you lie", the caricatures depicting African dress constant opposition to a point of doing nothing but that. as usaual right accusation wrong party.
another point, you've noticed how many post i make about different republicans or sometimes the same one but with a different dilemma and how they only have one Progressive for months with the same lies, tells you a little about who's zoomin who doesn't it?