For the second year in a row, Kentucky has been bounced from the NCAA tournament. And, for the second year in a row, riots broke out on and off campus in Lexington.
As fires blazed in the middle of the street, citizens burned lawn chairs, shirts and other items in protest of their loss.
2 people were confirmed arrested while 27 others were detained, according to early reports.
Several students were injured as bottles were thrown and a few were burned. Police took to the streets with riot gear and protective shields, marking the second year that this riot has occurred.
Fires broke out throughout state street in Kentucky, with students chanting "Fuck that Shit" while throwing items and causing a disturbance.

R Joseph @rjoseph7777
Kentucky erupts in rioting after NCAA loss (They're blowing off steam) MSM would call them violent "Thugs" If Black
12:22 AM - 5 Apr 2015
Fortunately for the students involved in this repeated riot it is unlikely to result in an increase in militarized police force at their doorsteps or set curfews.
Last year's riot in their loss to Connecticut turned particularly violent.
LEXINGTON, Ky. — Police in Lexington used tear gas to control rowdy fans, and several couch fires were lit in the streets after Kentucky fell to Connecticut in the NCAA basketball championship final.
Government official Susan Straub said at least 17 couch fires were lit overnight in the State Street area of Lexington and there were 18 injuries, most of them minor and treated at the scene. She confirmed seven arrests but had no further details in releasing a statement early Tuesday.
There is no word on whether or not President Obama "caused" these riots, and Conservatives have yet to offer an assessment of how much this riot will cost a community, especially as an ongoing tradition.
From my vantage point (at home) there are 2 ghetto birds hovering the State/Elizabeth St. area.
— LexingtonKYScanner (@LexKYScanner) April 5, 2015looking at the verbiage used in the text and the unfamiliar WWIII outfitted police and only 2 arrested and 27 detained have to police opted for policing without a vengeance or is it White kids will be White kids just upset at a second loss??? let's get real circumstance different, majority of the ethnicity different, reactions by students basically the same, police reaction benign and no one lying in the street blood flowing from head wounds, there is what appears to be a young women with blood on her face appears to be streaming down but wait the policeman appears to be comforting her looks like he cares about her well being. there is no video or pics of cops on tanks holding WMD's to audio so we don't know the tone, pictures posted show students burning stuff and cops surrounding while tear gas rises and maybe one empatheic officer friendly.
going back to the title "Riots, Looting & Fires Break Out in Kentucky. Don't Worry. It's Mostly White Kids", you got to admit major differences are attributed to one thing that is missing from this article those breaking the law are mostly not Black.