WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Aiming to acquire more budget powers and take a swipe at Obamacare, Republicans will likely scrap a proposal that stirred controversy and helped launch Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan on the national stage: privatizing the Medicare health program.
Ryan's bold Medicare "premium support" plan would be sacrificed to ensure passage of Congress' first full budget in six years and allow Republicans a rare opportunity to use a powerful procedural tool to ease passage of other legislation.
Dropping the fiscal conservative's signature plan, which had little chance of enactment, is one sign of how the Republican-controlled House and Senate are trying to show they can govern effectively as they seek to win the White House in 2016.
dropping an unpopular republican gutting program of real social nets is hardly showing governing ability it shows that you know it's crap but seek brownie points for giving it up knowing it wasn't going anywhere anyway classic republican psych out attempt and also after 54 attempts and failures they want to show you how good they are by killing an abomination and train wreck of a voucher plan and going for the 55th try at an appeal of ObamaCares. SSDD nothing new under the republican roof. no budget for 6 years why, because they were totally consumed with destroying Pres. and this country they made it a pledge on nat'l TV.