Monday, April 27, 2015

Republicans fretting over 'GOP demolition-derby circular firing squad' like it's a bad thing

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) listens to a question at the Iowa Agriculture Summit in Des Moines, Iowa,  March 7, 2015.   REUTERS/Jim Young  (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS) - RTR4SG2Z

Republicans are already extremely alarmed at how their presidential primaries are shaping up. Ex-congressman and current Fox News talking head John LeBoutillier notes that in the past, the Republican establishment held enough control over funding to ensure that their preferred candidates would enter the primaries well-heeled and the self-described "conservative" candidates were shut out:
It was always the conservatives who were underfunded. [...] And thus the primary outcome was preordained: After the initial dustup-up in Iowa and perhaps South Carolina, the establishment money wore the conservative(s) down and ultimately prevailed in a war of attrition. [...] That is not going to happen in the 2016 election cycle.
[W]e are about to witness something we have never before seen: A full-on, well-funded-on-both-sides, nuclear war inside the GOP pitting the establishment (mostly former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush) versus the Tea Party (Cruz, Ben Carson and others) versus the neo-cons (Florida Sen. Marco Rubio) versus the libertarians (Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul) versus the hybrid (Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who has both establishment and Tea Party support). [...]
Do you know what that means?
It means thanks to the collapse of campaign finance reform, Republicans have gotten the dream landscape they worked so hard for? A land where any upstanding wealthy person can choose the candidate that will kowtow to their needs the most efficiently, and single-handedly turn them into a national contender? A land so awash in purchasable candidates and Americans wealthy enough to purchase them that competing wealthy people, each wanting national policy to hew to their own vision and none other, battle each other for control of the party on the presidential debate stage?
It means that campaign consultants will have plenty of money to do what they do best: going negative!
reading between the lines what you see will not necessarily be what you get.  their are many factions to republican politics but 4 main bodies conservatives, libertarians, tea people and the moderates, ever here this phrase "together we stand divided we fall", well we hear the rumblings of republican avalanches within the party the party has a platform,  problem is each faction has it's own too.

you can't have the best interest in country and people and have so many different ideas about how to express and implement it especially when they seem to counter each other hence the civil war of the 21st century republican party.  ask yourself how many different ways can you promote a jobs bill if you are Progressive one past the Pres.'s jobs bill,  if you are republican well after you dig through all the attachments to a bill and get down to the porker without lipstick you have a plan that really doesn't assure you jobs but definitely assures big business what they want low wage, deregulation and no union to speak for the worker and virtually no tax.