Republican frustration over the Koch brothers' rule is expanding beyond Montana, all the way across the country to Florida, where a Republican legislator has had just about enough of being targeted as not conservative enough by the Kochs' Americans for Prosperity. In a hearing on a bill she's proposed to create incentives for the film industry to come to Florida, Sen. Nancy Detert blasted AFP.
"I appreciate the mail-outs that you do against me on a monthly basis that say I give money to Hollywood moguls, which, of course, I don't have any money to give, and neither does the state of Florida give money to Hollywood moguls.
"You're all on the Koch brothers' payroll. Good for you. I'm glad you're all employed ... I hope you're getting paid a lot of money to show up to these meetings and say meaningless things.
"Obviously you're for prosperity for yourself and not anyone else ... You people serve absolutely no purpose."
can we call this last few years for the right wing and republicans "a reach to far"? the people are turning on the worms that have burrowed their way into our life decision process and corrupted it to benefit themselves. i defy anyone to come up with any legislation the soley benefits we the people clean and no republican riders for cuts or more for them or the one's who answer the beat of the drums of war now on a international platform (Israel). i don't know about you but i don't want grand kids going off to die for someone who totally disrespects my Pres. and my Gov't and those complicit on this inside job (republican congress), this is not what i fought for now almost 48 years ago.
find yourself respect and find what it does to your sense of power Nov. 4th 2016 continue the change we an believe in.