Sunday, April 5, 2015

Obama, first family attend boisterous Easter service

Washington (AFP) - President Barack Obama attended a spirited Easter service at a historic black church on Sunday, in keeping with the first family's tradition of visiting local Washington area congregations.
The president, his wife Michelle and their two teenaged daughters attended the Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia, its pews filled with congregants who could barely contain their excitement over the visit.
"How fitting that on the day we celebrate the rising of our Lord and Savior, we also welcome our sitting president," Pastor Howard-John Wesley said to applause from enthusiastic worshippers, whom he urged to keep their cellphones in their pockets and purses.
"This is not selfie time," he said to laughter. "Let the brother worship in the house of God."
The congregation, including the president, rose to their feet during a rousing hymn sung by the choir, with Obama bobbing his head, clapping, and swaying to the accompaniment by a live band.
One congregant couldn't refrain from posting a tweet.
"Y'all...I'm worshipping on Easter Sunday with the First Family. The Resurrection is indeed real," read the message, retweeted by the Alfred Baptist Church from its own Twitter account.
they are a Black family the Bible says, "MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE UNTO THE LORD" if anyone can do that it is my people, praise the Lord, Amen