Former Rep. Michele Bachmann is very excited that the world may be coming to an end. Iran may be getting the bomb, and gay people are getting married these days, and all of this is wonderful news because it means Israel is going to be destroyed and there will be wars and plagues and famines and that means Jesus is going to come back to fly all the bestest Bachmann-approving-of Christians into heaven while her enemies get left to rot in whatever post-nuclear wasteland comes next. You think we are making this up. We are not making this up.
"We get to be living in the most exciting time in history," she said, urging fellow Christians to "rejoice."
"Jesus Christ is coming back. We, in our lifetimes potentially, could see Jesus Christ returning to Earth, the Rapture of the Church."
It should be noted that yes, Michele Bachmann was until very recently a prominent member of Congress and is a special darling of the conservative right. It should also be noted her views on these matters bear more than a passing similarity to a Jim Jones or a David Koresh, though Bachmann considers the whole of the nation to be members of her delusional death cult.
well there must be something to this remember Pres. said at recent dinner that she said he would bring about the end of days she also predicted that ObamaCares would kill women and children and we should love each other, well we're still on the edge of our seats waiting on that one. she seemed to be getting crazier each time they let her out. her husband was ripping people off selling a pray away the gay scam that only the truly desperate bought into he appears equally as mad as her.