Now that Republican Governor Mike Pence has confirmed there will be no changes to Indiana's Religious Bigotry Act, at least one Indiana business owner has publicly announced his intention to discriminate against all gays and lesbians who attempt to patronize his restaurant business.
A caller to RadioNOW 100.9 told listeners, “I’m 100% behind people’s lifestyles, and what they want to do, but I don’t want them to bring that into my place of business, and make other people that are there feel uncomfortable.”
The caller, who identified himself only as “Ryan,” touted his religious values—saying “I grew up Christian, and I believe in man and woman, Adam and Even not Adam and Steve.” But he seemed to have a more earthly reason for banning gays.
“If a couple comes into my restaurant and makes other people leave my place of business, then I’m losing more money from the people leaving than coming in,” he explained.
(Audio of the call is embedded in the article and here)
One aspect of his call suggests he may be legitimate--he was too cowardly to give his name and the name of his business:
He added that there are tons of business owners who agree with Governor Mike Pence and this is 'the way it should be.' [But w]hen asked to name the restaurant he owns, he said, 'I don’t want to say what business I own… I don’t think I'm ready to come of the closet with that.'
if you voice an opinion on national media but refuse to say who you are and what business you are representing makes me think two things the guy is not really a owner but a bandwagon rider, 2nd if you are an owner and intend to discriminate and practice bigotry the word is going to get out the first time you refuse service by those you oppose. oh a 3rd thing too, how does he determine who is gay does that not involve profiling and are every two men or women who enter are auto assumed? a better business decision would be to poll his customers as to their preference then make the determination is all people and all money better than a few bigots and fewer monies?