In this ABC News report we see Adam Smith along with his wife and family living on Food Stamps. Adam, used to be the CFO of a big time medical device company pulling down $200k per year with over $1 Million in stock options.
Not anymore.
Not after Adam decided to film himself going through the drive thru of Chik-fil-A and giving the cashier a piece of his mind. ABC News plays this as a cautionary tale. As if, look what poor Adam did to himself by posting this video online. But the thing is this, Adam was correct about everything he said about Chik-Fil-A. He was also correct to say it directly to a Chik-Fil-A employee who clearly and directly endorsed their bigoted policies by continuing to work for that company, and this is further shown when that employee - who obviously didn't lose her job - went onto Fox News to crow about how poor Adam was so sorry for what he did.
Adam actually isn't sorry for what he said about Chik-Fil-A. He was only sorry he said it to her and not their CEO.
It seems completely lost on ABC that the real horror is why Adam lost his job in the first place. It was because bigoted anti-gay activist Terrorized That Company With Bomb Threats.
In the 2012 video, which Smith has since taken down, the former executive for a medical device manufacturer bullied a Chick-fil-A cashier over her company’s anti-gay policies after chief operating officer Dan T. Cathy made statements opposing same-sex marriage.
Smith filmed himself pulling up to the drive-thru window where he told the cashier, “I don’t know how you live with yourself and work here. I don’t understand it. This is a horrible corporation with horrible values. You deserve better.”
According to Smith, the day after he posted the video, he arrived at work only to be stopped by the receptionist.
“The receptionist, first thing, big eyes, said ‘Adam, what did you do? The voice mail is completely full, and it’s full of bomb threats,’ ” he explained.
It seems to me that Adam dressing down a drive thru clerk is a pretty mild thing compared to calling up a company and threatening to BOMB THEM. Adam's then company asked he leave, he said no, and as a result he was fired and hence lost his stock options. He got another job forcing his family to move from Arizona to Portland Oregon only to have them find out about the video a week and also fire him.
It's now 3 years later, and he's been going into interviews leading with the video just to get it out of the way in full disclosure. No one will hire him.
He's talented. Graduated Top of his Class in Business School, but simply because he was factual with a Chik-Fil-A employee he's out on his ear, but she still has a job and Chik-Fil-A is still functioning as a company just fine. He's not even gay, he was just standing up for the basic principle of Equal Rights.
When Phil Robertson was temporarily suspended by A&E for his anti-gay remarks, the right-wing was livid about the affront to his free speech rights. This situation is far worse because it's been going on for years now, and apparently ABC thinks it's just a cute lesson to be learned from posting a viral video.
i said a prayer for this family, it doesn't sound to me like he was bulling but he did say it to the wrong person obviously it struck home for her to go on a anti gay network and the author says "crows" which is making your point the winning point over an opposing one like bragging "he lost his job but i'm still working", i know it's a blow from CFO to who knows but considering a lower position is better that repeated rejection low wage jobs are paying more now maybe nowhere close to last salary it beats a blank. not so sure about his being right in his assessment of the cashier, these times are riddled with those trying to find or keep a job she is not jobless regardless to what her politics are that is the bottom line.
we need to strengthen our troops and fight against discrimination like the republican base fights against humanity if we did half of what they do as far as passing on the message things would not look as bleary and we might not be where we are now, drop the indifference and pick up the baton do your part for the race to humane non discriminate America we see what a band of nationwide haters can do to one life and has the capability to do it to many more. come together you don't send two people to address millions of haters you send millions and millions more of non haters,