Now that the defense industry in the United States has taken a bit of a budgeting hit at home, they’re getting more aggressive overseas. Defense contractors are opening satellite offices and selling arms as fast as they can into the chaos of the Middle East.
Between the fight against ISIS and the war in Yemen, more Arab countries are getting into the act and using their arsenals. US companies are supplying the planes, bombs, missiles and other weapons everywhere from Libya and Iraq to Yemen and Pakistan. We’ve got a very busy little military industrial complex these days.
It’s nothing new that the United States is the biggest arms dealer in the world, I just think it’s worth noting that we have a hand in nearly every war currently under way. What looks like crazy countries battling over religion, politics or resources far away from our shores, is closer to home when you peel back the layers to find out who is supplying those weapons. Be sure to like, comment, share and dig into some of the links behind the cartoon.
here we are again using cartoons to tell a story of hypocrisy???? the right wing war mongers talk a lot about Iran supplying arms and assistance to rebel fighters in Syria and Russia helping their rebels in the Ukraine while doing what they are accusing others of it's deja vu all over again they do the dirt then point at others as if they were worst because they are not American right wingers. these people want you to vote for them to be able to formally do the what they do now just not mentioning it to you and they talk about transparency.
the article says it's not new but how many of you were aware of it before?