Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Angry mom grabs son off street amid Baltimore riot

A Baltimore mom was trying to tame violence when she realized her son was throwing rocks at police. She was sure to voice her disappointment, as video caught the woman smacking the boy and chasing him when he walked away. Gayle King reports.
i know a lot of people are adverse to hitting kids yeah kids not teen punks out disrespecting and acting like it's okay i understand the mentality the more open discourse now then back in the day., and recalling the 60's and 70's civil unrest but back then they weren't shooting and killing us beatings yeah but not the outright disregard for Black life. 
 i think that mother was correct and expressing her concern that the boy didn't seem to understand could be fatal it also showed me the repeat up side the head was saying "i've told you about the ramifications and raised you better than this and here you are not paying attention i will not let you get killed in these damn streets" each pop was one of those things.  sometimes the old way is a better way a timeout is incumbent on the later young adult as to if it meant anything for an hour or two of no TV.

slapping your teen on the back of their head when they are wrong and know better is concern and love not a crime the crime is allowing laws that give kids a later nonchalant attitude to rules and laws.
Black culture is one of having to instruct to protect our kids not let laws tell us what is and is not best for our children in our circumstance.  especially when the now nothing of it.  except those at Fox/s