Monday, March 30, 2015

McCain to Netanyahu: Treat "Abusive & Surly" Obama with Contempt by Going Rogue & Bombing Iran
Last week during budget deliberations, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) entered into the Congressional Record some frightening and seditious advice for Israel.
The occasion for such advice? McCain is apoplectic over the Obama administration's response to Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, officially rejecting the two-state solution championed by the United States and his racist incitement of Arab voters on election day.
Indeed, Obama has hinted that the U.S. may abandon Israel at the U.N., his Chief of Staff recently stated that Israel's 50-year occupation must end, and administration officials rejected Netanyahu's backtracking on his election-day comments.
Before offering Netanyahu and Israel advice on how to deal with Obama, he embraced Netanyahu's dishonesty by pardoning his racism and rejection of U.S. policy as normative electioneering:
There has been a lot of pressure on Israel as a result of the only free and fair election that you will see take place in that entire part of the world. There has been a harsh criticism of the things Prime Minister Netanyahu said during that campaign.
I point out to my colleagues sometimes things are said in campaigns that maybe we say in the heat of the campaign and maybe it is OK if we apologize.
well i guess my last post should have more clearly said he does have the republican crazies here they seem to share the same idiocy drive to go to war.  McCain served on my ship in 1967 in No. Vietnam didn't know him but today almost 50 years later i'm ashamed to even admit that close a proximity to him.  first they go grade school playground and invite him here who knows the degrading things they laughed about saying of Obama no respect for the office he was beat out of  2008 still harboring those sour grapes, now he's telling a foreign war mongerer to screw the Pres. and bomb Iran does is delusional mind think he can authorize that action by our military which Pres. is Commander and Chief of, why for war or just to take a juvenile swing at the Pres.?????

we now have to wonder how much will he Netanyahu contribute to the right wing 2016 elections, and he's crazier than first thought if he thinks those republican who support the travesty of international protocol will help him bomb Iran, or maybe he thinks Americans are stupid enough to vote for them again than that could be a possibility for republican congress and president going off to war with another crazed foreign despot.  it's true they do always return to the scene of their original crime.