We in Minnesota have a Democratic Governor. Our Mark Dayton is a rich Democrat -- the heir of the family who started the Dayton's Department Stores and B. Dalton Bookstores and Target -- and he was educated at Yale, so he's actually pretty smart for a guy who inherited money. Citizens of Wisconsin have a Republican Governor (Scott Walker, who brags about dropping out of college).
In Minnesota we have a balanced budget, partly because we raised taxes on the top earners. In Wisconsin, they cut taxes on rich people and are now scrambling to cut spending (including major cuts for the once proud University of Wisconsin (which breaks my heart)). More orange details below the squiggle. Or whatever. Lurid details below the orange squiggle.
actually that is all you really need to know but there is more detail in the article. it points out the difference in policy makes and it further confuses as to why everyday people would support such a horrendous agenda that only straps them to the rack and stretches them till they are torn a part with dept, and nothing else they win you lose hard to see where that gins those who oppose up tro run out and vote for destruction.
that would be fine if their skulduggery only hurt their voters but it hurts all their citizens and that's what is wrong with republicans the take o preisoners they kill everybody's chances at life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.