Sunday, February 22, 2015

The White House Prepares To Bring The Hammer Down Against Netanyahu Speech

Despite disapproval from the American people and his own country, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu still intends to speak before Congress on March 3rd in an effort to sabotage President Obama. But the White House isn’t going to let him get away with it and Israel stands to lose big time.
For years, Netanyahu has constantly whined that Iran is seeking a nuclear weapon to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth, which is pretty ironic considering Israel has made an effort to exterminate Palestinians.
 Rather than commit US blood and treasure to a catastrophic war against Iran, President Obama has slapped them with sanctions and has opened diplomatic relations in the hopes of maintaining peace by preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon while allowing the use of nuclear power to generate energy. Clearly, however, Netanyahu isn’t pleased by this. He would rather see American troops start World War III and risk their own lives while American taxpayers foot the bill for it instead of Israelis.
Republicans are also hawkish when it comes to Iran and they have pledged allegiance to a foreign leader instead of their own president. The GOP hates President Obama so much that House Speaker John Boehner blatantly broke US law to secretly invite Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of Congress so they could embarrass the president together. In turn, the White House promised that there would be a price to pay for this total lack of respect.
remember Netanyahu is a right winger with all the trimmings.  is his conscious getting to him they did the same thing and did not blink an eye now that the shoe is on the other foot he's about to crap his pants.  why is he so against another country having what they have does that not or suppose to level the field if both are holding neither will dare for fear of their own destruction in the effort, so Iran having a bomb is really diplomatic what Israel and the US have done is trying to deny another country of the same means of protection they enjoy.  i don't think it's right it's tantamount to determent camps of WWII contain the threat that hasn't manifested itself yet but in the mean time you hold all the power not the democratic thing to do.

i think Pres. may feel the same and seeking a diplomatic solution would be more assuring than going in guns blazin' and a nuke for show only strengthens Iran's resolve to defend itself against those demanding they don't get that capability. Pres. thinks previous presidents were more go along to get along and bought in to who has the biggest gun is the super power.  i believe super power is what the Pres. is showing, if you have it and everyone knows you have it they fear you not view you as super or powerful just bullies.  WE ARE NOT ISRAEL'S BIG BROTHER THAT PROTECTS THEM AGAINST NEIGHBORHOOD BULLIES