smiling faces
Bringing attention to insane state representatives always presents a conundrum. On one hand, there are so many of them that it can seem like spitting into the wind. On the other hand, what they do has actual effect on millions of people, heaven help us, and there's also the Glenn Grothman Principle, which is that no matter how batshit insane any individual state legislator might be, there's still a damn good chance that they are going to at some point run for higher office, and win, and become the next Louie Gohmert.
So let's meet Republican State Rep. Isaac Latterell of South Dakota and his new thoughts on how Planned Parenthood is worse than ISIS.
In a blog post titled "Planned Parenthood worse than ISIS and lying about it," state Rep. Isaac Latterell (R) wrote about the beheadings of prisoners by ISIL, likening the executions to abortion.
"Planned Parenthood abortionists in Sioux Falls are similarly beheading unborn children during dismemberment abortions," Latterell wrote. "Most people are unaware that this is happening, because Planned Parenthood of Sioux Falls denies that they behead or otherwise dismember unborn children."
i'm getting to the point where these people are not so much bearing all the guilt of misinformation as are those who enact on it but know better i cannot believe all right wingers are idiots but instead complicit to manipulating those of them that are the most gullible. it's a sinful act to direct someone to places you would not go it does not show concern or empathy for fellow humans in shows that you are one who gives less than gnat crap about another to the point you would deliberately hurt them.
if you know the dangers and the real 411 and say nothing you are guilty of complicity of not just misinforming gross negligence and therefore just as despicable as they are. that FYI Mr. Ben Carson is worst then slavery not the ACA.