Friday, February 27, 2015

Rush Limbaugh Conspiracy Theory: NYC ISIS Arrests A Ploy To Push Net Neutrality, Ban Gun Ammunition
Radio host Rush Limbaugh suggested that reports of the recent arrests of three suspected American supporters of the so-called Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) are actually a ploy by the Obama administration to push net neutrality regulations and a ruse to "ban the sale of bullets."
On February 25, two men were arrested in New York City, along with an accomplice in Florida, charged with "providing support for the Islamic State" according to The New York Times.
During the February 25 edition of his radio program, Limbaugh suggested that the news of the arrests was politically timed to coincide with the FCC's ruling on net neutrality regulations. Limbaugh also described the arrests as a media conspiracy meant to give cover for the government to "ban the sale of bullets," an apparent reference to a proposal by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to limit the availability of ammunition that when fired from a handgun is capable of penetrating body armor worn by law enforcement officers.
i have to wonder is he that stupid or does he think those who follow him are after all they are called ditto heads which is tantamount to the bobble head on your dashboard.  if the wind blows or you hit a bump or in his case just sneeze or farts and the ditto i mean bobble head agrees with whatever you just did.  since he's been losing sponsors have they been sending him money to help with his financial losses?  we're getting closer to identifying just who are the party of stupid.