The "education" bill that Oklahoma Republicans are pushing wouldn't just ban the Advanced Placement U.S. History course, it would offer a required reading list of its own. And it's a doozy:
The bill, authored by Oklahoma Rep. Dan Fisher, designates a total of 58 documents that “shall form the base level of academic content for all United States History courses offered in the schools in the state.” Many of the texts are uncontroversial and undoubtedly covered by the Advanced Placement U.S. History course, such as the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and Gettysburg address. But the bill also has an ideological and religious bent. In addition to 3 speeches by Reagan, the curriculum as includes a speech by George W. Bush but nothing from any Democratic president since Lyndon Johnson.
That will certainly help do away with all the pesky nuance that conservatives object to in the AP U.S. History framework. Who wants a history class developed by historians and educators when you can have one developed by Republican legislators?
To be fair, there's some minor acknowledgement of the Civil Rights movement, including Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "Letter from the Birmingham Jail" and "I have a dream" speech, but apparently the 1970s and 1990s did not exist—or won't in the version of history taught in Oklahoma, anyway—and the 1980s and 2000s are to be represented solely by Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.
is this another oop's i forgot for gop, Reagan was more liberal than they accuse Pres. and just as destructive as the foreign leaders they want to depose. so after years now of very little mention of the tax raiser and liar about the trickle down i think he got that idea fro sitting in the oval office and feeling a trickle down his leg. light bulb moment "we can screw the middle and poor while feeding ourselves and call it trickle down, just leave the leg part out".
wonder if they leave out all the liberal minded stuff and the bamboozling actually if they leave that out they have to rewrite their own history as long as they have been doing just that wonder if they got it right yet? either way it might not be so bad we can trust that this while done as a republican curriculum change they will screw it up and the kids will find out more than they want, they also didn't consider the internet the greatest tool to defuse their lies.